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Cornell University Biomedical Device

Raised toward our $6,000 Goal
5 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 11, at 11:01 PM EST
Project Owners


Undisclosed Amount

Dec 11, 2023



Undisclosed Amount

Dec 10, 2023




Nov 17, 2023



Undisclosed Amount

Nov 09, 2023




Nov 08, 2023
Choose a giving level


Bits and Pieces!

Thank you for donating $10! This will allow CUBMD to purchase vital components and pieces to utilize in our biomedical devices!


Cayuga Car Costs!

Thank you so much for your $25 donation! With this, CUBMD can cover the costs needed to send its members to Cayuga Medical Center to gather important patient data, test product efficiency, and connect with the community!


Training Time!

CUBMD values looking towards the future! With your generous $50 donation, CUBMD can cover the necessary fees for training programs such as PCB training. By using these programs, CUBMD can train newer generations and give them valuable skillsets that are applicable to their futures!


Banners and Recruitment!

New talent is needed to constantly maintain a growing project team. With your generous $100 donation, CUBMD can cover the costs needed to print out CUBMD professional banners. Using these, CUBMD can more effectively recruit curious new applicants with a desire to create change in the medical community!


Lab Equipment!

CUBMD undergoes intensive product testing, including using labs to test chemical reagents. With your immense donation of $250, CUBMD can purchase specialized lab equipment such as micropipettes to boost the quality of designed biomedical products! Furthermore, your donation gives current and future CUBMD members the chance to work with specialized equipment they may have never gotten to use before!


3D Printers!

Prototyping can be extremely tedious; therefore, it is immensely helpful to have a product that you can view and interact with hands-on. With your gracious and generous offer of $500, CUBMD can purchase a new 3D printer to allow members the opportunity to print out improved variations of biomedical devices and gain design skills!


Covering Competitions!

Competitions and conferences are CUBMD's method of networking and gaining connections with real-world health leaders. By donating, your immense donation of $1000 can cover the costs of sending multiple CUBMD members to conferences across the nation!!