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Every bit matters, you're helping us stock our lab with tools we need to succeed! Thank you so much!!
We will send you a personalized thank you note signed by our team honoring your generous donation!
You helped us buy a new webcam for our rover. As thanks we will send you a CMR sticker and a personalized thank you letter signed by the team!
A video shoutout from our team lead and a pun from John plus a personalized thank you note signed by the team!
You just helped us buy a new stereo camera! As a thank you you'll get a video shout out from the entire team and a pun from John, plus a personalized thank you note signed by the team!
You enabled us to purchase a new test setup for our wheels and suspension system! As a thank you you'll receive a personalized laser cut plaque acknowledging your contribution
Thank you so much for the generous contribution! We will send you a 3D printed mini-rover and send a signed thank you note from the team!