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We are truly amazed at the responses we have received to our A.D.White Library crowd funding campaign. We have exceeded our second goal of $30,000! These gifts will enable us to purchase new desks and lamps with outlets; refurbish the stationary desks and the beautiful large ornate table on the main floor; reupholster the classic furnishings and replace the tired old red carpeting. This is an important initiative and the Library is matching each gift 1:1. This campaign will be open until October 7 and we encourage you to be part of this tremendous opportunity to refurbish and preserve this iconic, historical library. Our goal is to make the A.D. White Library a more comfortable study space for students and restore its beauty for future scholars.
A gift of $85 will purchase custom lampshades for the desk lamps on the main floor. (A total of 6 are needed)
A gift of $300 will purchase a lamp with an outlet for the small study tables. (A total of 12 are needed)
A gift of $500 purchases a small study table for the upper levels in the AD White Library. (A total of 12 are needed)
A gift of $1,750 will refinish the large ornate table in the AD White Library.
A gift of $2,500 will refinish the stationary study tables on the main level. (There are two sets of stationary study tables - $2,500 will refinish one set)