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Adopt-A-Bus: Support K-12 School Trips to the Johnson Museum

Raised toward our $12,500 Goal
69 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 09, at 12:00 AM EDT
Project Owners

Final Announcement: Thank You to Our Donors!

May 11, 2018
Backers Only: Only backers of this project can see this update. If you are a backer please to see this update.

Exciting Announcement: DOUBLE Support Challenge for Adopt-A-Bus

May 02, 2018

We just learned about an amazing opportunity!


We are excited to share that a generous donor has committed to double the support for Adopt-A-Bus as soon as we reach our campaign goal of $12,500.  Imagine… $25,000 to defray the costs of transportation for school groups to experience hands-on educational programs at the Johnson Museum. 


But we have only one week left in our campaign to reach our $12,500 goal. To those of you who have already donated: THANK YOU! To everyone considering their first or additional gift: NOW IS THE TIME!


Please help us double-up on the investment we'll be able to make in providing access to the finest quality museum education programming for K-12 students throughout the region. We have until midnight of May 8 to hit our goal and unlock the additional $12,500.


We greatly appreciate your help!


The Johnson Museum Adopt-a-Bus Team

Jonathan Lee, Project Lead and Hotel School Class of 2020

Matt Braun, Director of Development


Choose a giving level



A gift of $5 fills one seat on the bus.



A gift of $15 fills three seats on the bus.



A gift of $50 helps to fill 10 seats on the bus.



A gift of $100 gets you the driver's seat.



A gift of $125 fills half the bus.



A gift of $250 fills a whole bus!



A gift of $500 fills two busses!



A gift of $1,000 covers the cost of four bus trips to the Johnson Museum!



A gift of $5,000 will support 20 bus loads of children able to come to the Johnson Museum. (But not all at once ;-)



This is the gift level with the greatest lasting impact. A contribution of $250,000 would endow a fund that would provide free transportation for the long-haul. If you're really interested in making this extraordinary gift, you can do it now, or better yet, reach out directly to Matt Braun at or 607-254-4624. This amount can also be paid over multiple years. THANK YOU for considering this!