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Speech and Debate: Big Teams, Big Dreams!

Raised toward our $50,000 Goal
203 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 11, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

We've unlocked our match!

November 20, 2023

Upon reaching $5,000 in total funds raised, we've unlocked a matching $5,000 gift from Jeremy Rosen ’93 and Jodi Kruger ’90 JD ’93! Thank you!

Please join our effort and help us spread the word to help us reach our $50,000 goal by December 11. Please share our link today!

Choose a giving level


Sponsor One Meal

Your support will sponsor the meal of one team member!


Sponsor Registration Fees

Your contribution will cover registration fees for a student at a tournament!


Sponsor Lodging

Your contribution will sponsor local accommodations and lodging for a member of speech and debate!


Sponsor One Bus Ticket

Your contribution will fund a bus ticket for a student in speech and debate!


Sponsor Team Lodging

Your contribution will sponsor the lodging for ten speakers and debaters!


Sponsor Plane Ticket

Your contribution will sponsor a plane ticket so that a speaker or debater will be able to compete internationally!


Tournament Sponsor

Your contribution will support the entire Cornell team of speakers and debaters to travel, lodge, and register to a national or international tournament!


Team Benefactor

This donation will ensure that Cornell Speech and Debate continues to grow and achieve new heights of success!