Come back soon!

This project will be launching soon.

International Development: Experience India

$5,405 by 57 donors. Thank you!

20% Funded with One Week to Go!

September 23, 2014


We want to thank all our 40+ donors for their generosity in supporting our campaign to send more students on the IARD trip to India!  The good news is: we've raised nearly $5,000 for our trip! The bad news: we're still more than $15,000 short of our goal and we only have a week left to raise it.

WE CAN DO IT! We just need your support through a donation and sharing this project to your friends and family.  Check out this video update that further explains why we're so passionate about this project.  

Thanks again and please do what you can to help us reach our goal.

- The team



October 01, 2014

Reflection of an alumna experience in India:

After going on this trip I changed my career path from domestic agricultural extension to pursuing a career in plant breeding and international agricultural development. It also allowed me to build the networks I needed to pursue studies in India. I ended up living in India for 1.5 years after going on this trip and plan to return to India to pursue a career in plant breeding and genetics. Without this trip I would never of understood how to focus my career research goals in a way that really benefits India. Thanks to Dr. Hobbs et al for this life changing experience.