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CUAUV: Help us push the limits of AUV technology!

Raised toward our $17,000 Goal
90 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 02, at 12:00 AM EST
Project Owners

CUAUV: Help us push the limits of AUV technology!

The Team - CUAUV is entirely undergraduate-run, consisting of over 40 students spanning numerous academic disciplines. The team offers a holistic engineering experience developing cutting-edge technology; students control the entire design, manufacturing, testing and revision cycle. As a six-time RoboSub champion, CUAUV embodies a tradition of excellence and continuously pushes the envelope of autonomous underwater vehicle technology.

The Competition - CUAUV designs, builds, programs and tests a completely new autonomous submarine every year to compete in AUVSI’s international RoboSub competition. In August, we ship our sub down to San Diego, drop it in a recomissioned Navy testing pool, press the green button, and cheer it on as it navigates a complicated underwater obstacle course with no human intervention whatsoever: ramming buoys, dropping weighted darts on Space Invader-shaped objects, firing torpedoes through differently colored targets, re-positioning PVC structures and more.

Your Impact - CUAUV depends on the generous support of its donors and could not exist without them. Our goal of $17,000 will go toward manufacturing a new mini-sub, incorporating stereo vision, and a new carbon dioxide pneumatic system. We are constantly pushing ourselves to deliver a more advanced vehicle, and are more energized than ever to fully integrate those features. We hope to be able to call ourselves “seven-time international RoboSub Champion” by next fall.

Our Outreach - CUAUV is actively involved in giving back to the community. We offer badge workshops for Boy Scouts and Girl Scout troops, with activities that include building remote controlled mini-submarines and investigating acoustics. We also give tours of our lab, engage with local middle and high school robotics teams, and had the opportunity to present at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum's National Robotics Week kick-off event.


Also check out our brand new website at!

instagram: cuauv

twitter: @cuauv

Choose a giving level



Your donation will help us continue to strive for excellence.



Your donation will help our team dive to new depths!



You'll receive a personalized thank you letter from our team.



You'll receive a team photo signed by our subteam leaders.



You'll receive a video shoutout from the entire team.



You'll get the opportunity to name a part on one of 2016 vehicles, Thor and Loki.



You'll have the opportunity to drive our sub remotely at an upcoming Sunday pool test.


Thor & Loki

You'll receive an original frame from a past CUAUV competition vehicle.