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Big Red Athletic Training

Raised toward our $24,689 Goal
65 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 01, at 12:00 AM EST
Project Owners

Big Red Athletic Training

The Cornell University Sports Medicine Department is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the health, safety, and welfare of the student-athletes of Cornell University by providing a safe environment and the best possible and most expedient healthcare. This will be accomplished through the six domains of athletic training as established by the National Athletic Training Association, these include:



Recognition, Evaluation, and Assessment

Immediate Care

Treatment, Rehabilitation, and Reconditioning

Organization and Administration

Professional Development and Responsibility

The Cornell Athletics training staff has successfully provided exceptional care to every athlete that walks through the door.  Despite the excellent care provided by Bernie DePalma and his staff, the equipment in the training room is outdated.  While the equipment is working, some items are over 20 years old.  We are attempting to reach a goal of $25,000, which will be used to purchase state of the art equipment including:

  • Dynatranoics solaris electric stim unit
  • BiowaveHOME units - STIM units our staff will be able to travel with for away competition
  • Biowave Pro unit for the training room
  • Precore Rally Bike
  • A new ice machine that supplied crushed ice STEM equipment

The campaign will launch on November 1st.  We encourage you to support this endeavor.  An exceptional sports medicine program is part of the foundation for a successful athletic program and with this more modern equipment we will be able to provide even higher quality treatment and rehabilitation to our student athletes at Cornell.  



"I met head trainer Tom McGory in 1974 as a high school senior.  He hired me on the spot as an athletic trainer for freshmen basketball, freshmen lacrosse and assistant trainer for 150s football (now Sprint).  Working for Cornell Athletics would become my on-campus job for the next five years.  I learned so much from the full-time trainers and team doctors.  It was a thrill for a kid from rural Maine to travel to the other Ivy schools, the Academies and even Japan.  I proudly wore my Cornell Trainer shirts around campus.  In Delta Upsilon fraternity, I was nicknamed Duaner the Trainer from Mainer.  Those guys still call me Duaner.  I am very pleased to lend my support to this campaign for the best athletic training department in the Ivies.  Cornell Athletics did much for me, which is why I continue to follow and support the Big Red."

- Duane Phillips ‘78

Choose a giving level


Bernie's Backers

Provide Cornell Athletic Training with a gift towards updated equipment in the training room.



Provide Cornell Athletic Training with a gift towards a Dynotranoics Solaris Electric Stim unit.



Provide Cornell Athletic Training with a gift towards a new Precore Rally Bike.



Provide Cornell Athletic Training with a gift towards new STIM equipment.


Championship Club

Provide Cornell Athletic training with a gift towards a new ice machine.