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Cornell iGEM

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
8 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 06, at 12:00 AM EST
Project Owners

Oncurex: Streamlining the biosynthesis and delivery of ursolic acid for oncology

Oncurex looks to improve the biosynthesis of Ursolic Acid (UA), a natural product that has been tested to have anti-cancer properties. UA is traditionally obtained through mass extraction of loquat trees; however, this is environmentally taxing. By looking into biosynthetically making the compound and improving its industrial scale-up, we can seek to provide an energy-efficient model for manufacturers to mass produce UA while minimizing its environmental effects.

The goal of this research is to seek to understand the perspectives of cancer patients either within remission or cleared of cancer regarding Cornell iGEM’s project Oncurex. This will be through interviews with patients regarding their perspective on current cancer treatments, their experience during treatment, and ultimately their understanding of our project and whether it has potential in terms of patient usage. 

Choose a giving level



The first of our "Gem" tiers, your contribution shows us your support and belief in our work.



Our second "Gem": at this level you are helping us invest in our wet lab equipment to ensure our future success.



Our third "Gem": at this level you're helping us with some of our more costly equipment, like some of the bigger Product Development items.



Our fourth "Gem": at this tier you're helping fund our PnP members and aiding them in outreach events with the Ithaca community.



Our fifth "Gem": you're making our startup dreams come true!



Our final "Gem": at this tier you have solidified yourself in the iGEM hall of fame, and are helping fund our trips to Paris!