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Our fellow student engineers are our daily support network and any help from you is appreciated!
A donation of $25 would allow us to purchase basic shop supplies that we use on the daily, such as shop towels, acetone, sandpaper, or super glue.
A $50 donation allows us to buy important safety equipment such as respirators, gloves, and safety glasses to use while fabricating parts.
A $100 donation can buy us stock material that we machine into parts such as the four-wheel-drive dog clutch, our custom brake calipers, or the bushings for our suspension links.
A donation of $200 will allow us to purchase critical hardware such as bearings for the custom transmission or hub nuts to retain the wheels.
A contribution of $500 will allow us to buy useful shop tools such as an angle grinder, or important sensors for our testing such as strain gauges.
A contribution of $1,000 will help pay for hotels and transport so that all of our team members have the chance to see their part perform in at least one competition.
A donation of $2,000 will pay for us to register for a competition, where we will compete with over 100 international teams!
A donation of $5,000 will allow us to invest in high-quality equipment to push our performance to the next level, such as a precision-toleranced fixture table where we weld our frame.