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Baseball Image
Raised toward our $518,052 Goal
205 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 30, at 11:55 PM EDT
Project Owners


It's been a fantastic season thus far; our first full season on Booth Field. Players, coaches, and alumni are excited for a new world-class facility in which we can train, compete, and win.

We hope you'll choose to support our bright future and improve the experience for our student-athletes. Big Red Baseball is 100% self-funded, and our donors are the lifeline to our existence. We are grateful for everything and entitled to nothing. 

Please join over 200 yearly supporters of the program TODAY!

Thank you, and Go Big Red!

Choose a giving level



Get in the game and help us meet our goal!



Give us your best performance and make a difference today!


Ivy Champion

Make your way into the record books with your gift today!



Be the ultimate teammate and go big to help us make our goal!


National Champion

Leave a lasting legacy and show us your support!