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Becker House Service Trip

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
1 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 01, at 12:00 AM EST
Project Owners

Becker House Service Trip

Cornell University Becker in Service (CUBS) is unique to Carl Becker House on Cornell's West Campus. We are dedicated to serving communities and bringing awareness to current issues. Our group has helped local food pantries and assisted living centers. We have organized good drives and many other good will acts. In addition to our local outreach, we plan a service trip each spring to connect with other deserving communities. 

Spreading knowledge in Jamaica

We need your help funding our spring semester trip to Jamaica. Your contribution to this trip will benefit the schools that we visit. During our trip we will provide help at the schools and work with the local community members. This year we will visits Petersfield High School and Williamsfield All Age School. Both schools have been connected to service projects undertaken by Cornell students in the past and we are excited to go back and provide even more.

We need help funding our program fees so we can better support this community. This fees pay for our room and board, meals, and transportation to our excursions, areas of service, and schools. 

Make a gift

Your donation to our crowdfunding project is the most direct way to support us, but there are other ways to help. You can join us at the Carl Becker House Jamaica Night Reception. Join us for cocktail hour, dinner, and a silent auction. 

A gift of any size helps! Thank you for your support. 

Choose a giving level



Every bit helps! Your donation will help provide transportation for one Cornell student.



Help us, help them. Your donation will provide meals for one Cornell student.



This is the place to be. Your donation will provide lodging for one Cornell student.



You’re making a difference. Your donation will help fund programming for school children.



You’ll help us get there. Your donation will provide roundtrip airfare for one Cornell student.



You’ll make it happen. Your donation will help cover the program fee for one Cornell student.