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Speech & Debate

Raised toward our $25,000 Goal
189 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 04, at 12:00 AM EST
Project Owners

70% of the way there!

November 18, 2019

Hello Friends,


Thanks to your support, this year's crowdfunding campaign has had a tremendous start. We need your help more than ever this year, and we are heartened to see all of the friends, family, and alumni network that came out to do their part. With your contributions were will be able to continue our mission of spreading civil discourse and argumentation around the world. In this last push we need your support in order to reach 100% of our goal!





Cornell Speech and Debate 

Choose a giving level


Debate Supporter

We appreciate any and all support that you can provide!


Junior Varsity Debater

Your contribution will cover registration fees for a team at a tournament.


Varsity Debater

Your contribution will go to local accommodations and lodging for a team of debaters.


Quarter Finalist

Your contribution will fund a bus ticket for a team of debaters.



Your contribution will pay for the plane ticket of one international student to attend our Cornell Debate Camp



Your Contribution will support a low-income student to learn debate at one of our international camps


World Champion

Your contribution will support 4 of our staff to come and teach students to debate at one of our international camps